Enumeration of Linear Codes by Applying Methods from Algebraic Combinatorics Publications, to be read The 3-dimensional Cycle Index of the Leapfrog of a Polyhedron The Cycle Index of the Symmetry Group of the Fullerene C60

The Cycle Index of the Symmetry Group of the Fullerene C60

MATCH 33, 121-138, 1996.

Abstract: Various forms, including multi-dimensional forms of the cycle index of the symmetry group of the fullerene C60 acting on its sets of vertices, faces, edges etc. are computed and applied for the enumeration of essentially different colourings of the truncated icosahedron. The implementation of these cycle index methods in the computer algebra system SYMMETRICA is discussed, and finally cycle indices of the symmetry groups of some further fullerenes are derived.

harald.fripertinger "at" uni-graz.at, October 3, 2024

Enumeration of Linear Codes by Applying Methods from Algebraic Combinatorics Publications, to be read The 3-dimensional Cycle Index of the Leapfrog of a Polyhedron Uni-Graz Mathematik UNIGRAZ online GDPR The Cycle Index of the Symmetry Group of the Fullerene C60 Valid HTML 4.0 Transitional Valid CSS!