Therefore, a tone row f induces the trope sequence tf: {1,…,6}→ T, tf(i)=τi, 1≤ i≤ 6, where T is the set of all tropes in Z12. If we replace in the trope sequence of f the tropes by the numbers of their D12-orbits, we obtain a function sf: {1,…,6}→ {1,…,35}, the trope number sequence of f, where sf(i) is the number of the orbit D12(τi-1), 1≤ i≤ 6.
The trope structure of the D12 × D12-orbit of f is the D6-orbit of sf under the natural action of the dihedral group on the domain of sf. For more details see Section 3.5 of [1].
In order to construct tone rows from their trope structure or to explore the set of all trope structures it is possible
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