Based on the theory developed and described in "Tone rows and
tropes" we developed a database containing complete information on
the 836 017 D12 × D12-orbits of tone
It consists of the following components.
- Several Perl-programs can be used for different search
- Different algorithms concerning group actions are implemented
in one executable program written in
- For some graphics the JavaScript VectorGraphics library
"wz_jsgraphics.js" by Walter Zorn2 is used. In order to print the
graphics-output printing of the background must be enabled in the
- Using pop-up windows further information can be derived, whence
pop-up windows should also be enabled.
- The JavaScript library "SoundManager 2"3 is used to obtain a simple
acoustic representation of the tone rows.
Database on tone rows and tropes
harald.fripertinger "at"
January 2, 2019